How to access your server

This document explains how to start a remote session to your server using the Multi-Cloud Orchestrator. You can either configure a SSH/RDP to access your servers or use the Multi-Cloud Orchestrator webapp capabilities to login using your browser.


  • An operational server with a public IP.
  • For Manual access
  • In Linux you will need to add at least one SSH key to the Multi-Cloud Orchestrator.
  • In Windows you will need to install Microsoft Remote Desktop on your computer.

Manual access


  1. Go to Compute -> Servers and click on the server you want to access.
  2. In the server view click on "Access" tab.
  3. Press "Add SSH key" button.
  4. Select a SSH key to be added to the server.ssh
  5. Once the new configuration is applied on the server it should be accessible through SSH.


  1. Go to Compute -> Servers and click on the server you want to access.
  2. In the server view click on "Access" tab.
  3. Press "Get credentials" button to retrieve the user and password of the windows server. windows
  4. Using Microsoft Remote Desktop create a server an used the information attached in the previous screen.

Webconsole access


  • Press "Star shell session" to start a webterminal. webterminal


  1. Press "Get credentials" button to retrieve the user and password of the windows server. windows

  2. Press "Start RDP session" button, that will open a new browser window with a remote desktop session. Use the obtained credentials to log in. rdp