How to scale up your server

This how-to explains how to scale up service by deploying a bigger server and binding the old server's volume and floating IP to the new one. This scenario may be useful if their service needs have outgrown your server's resources, and it is necessary to scale up to a new server with bigger resources.


  • Prepare a migration of your service, for example a migration of your database. (If needed)
  • Have a new server created and running with a template in the same region as the server you want to scale up.

Detach and attach the floating IP

  1. Go to Network -> Floating IPs Floating IPs section view
  2. Click on the name of the floating ip to view the details. Floating IP details view
  3. Press the "Detach from the server" button and confirm it pressing the "Detach IP from the server" button. Floating IP detach pop-up
  4. Wait until the floating IP is in the "Detached" state. Floating IP detached
  5. Press the "Edit" button.
  6. Select the new server in the "Servers" selectable and press the "Update floating IP" button. Floating IP edition pop-up
  7. Wait until the floating IP is in the "Attached" state.
  8. Floating IP has been attached to the new server. Floating IP attached

Detach and attach the volume to a server

  1. Go to Storage -> Volumes Volumes section view
  2. Click on the name of the volume to view the details. Volume details view
  3. Press the "Detach from the server" button and confirm it pressing the "Detach volume from the server" button. Volume detach pop-up
  4. Wait until the floating IP is in the "Detached" state. Volume detached
  5. Press "Edit" button.
  6. Select the new server in the "Server" selectable and press the "Update volume" button. Volume edition pop-up
  7. Wait until the volume is in the "Attached" state again.
  8. Volume has been attached to the new server. Volume attached

Additional Resources