How to Sign-in to the Multi-Cloud Orchestrator Portal

This guide is intended for customers who want to access to CloudBlue Multi-Cloud Orchestrator technology.

Multi-Cloud Orchestrator streamlines application and workload deployments across your private, hybrid and public cloud stack from a single dashboard. Using integrations with configuration management tools, you can develop your own unique IaaS solutions and accelerate your solution deployment on cloud.

CloudBlue customer requires at least one Multi-Cloud Orchestrator subscription in order to start with cloud orchestration.

Once a Multi-Cloud Orchestrator subscription is purchased and active, it becomes available for accounts to Single Sign-On (SSO) in the Multi-Cloud Orchestrator platform.


  • A Multi-Cloud Orchestrator subscription is required in order to log into the CloudBlue Orchestrator platform.

Multi-Cloud Orchestrator Subscription

CloudBlue Commerce offers two modeled connector solutions to purchase a Multi-Cloud Orchestrator subscription. It will depend on your e-commerce storefront (marketplace); which one is available to you.

Regardless of the connector model and workflow, once a subscription is purchased and active, it facilitates direct access via Single sign-on.

Buying CloudBlue APS Standard subscription

Purchasing travel steps:

  1. Go to Marketplace. CloudBlue commerce dashboard

  2. Select the Cloud Infrastructure category. CloudBlue Commerce marketplace

  3. Select the adequate Service Plan and press the "Next" button. CloudBlue Commerce Marketplace APS Service Plans

  4. Confirm purchase order pressing the "Finish" button. CloudBlue Commerce Marketplace APS Additional Resources

  5. Wait until the subscription provision stage ends; then, the "Cloud Orchestrator" tab or tile becomes available. CloudBlue Commerce APS Panel

  6. On the "Cloud Orchestrator" page, locate "My Cloud Orchestrator" tile, and press the "ASSIGN" button for current user.

    Customer's initial user is created with no Multi-Cloud Orchestrator role assigned. It's required to assign role to user. Additionally, the staff member - admin representative - is able to manage Multi-Cloud Orchestrator roles assignation to users.

  7. Assign the user role selecting the desired role and press the "ASSIGN" button. CloudBlue Commerce APS Role Assignation

  8. Wait for assignation fulfillment until the Cloud orchestrator status in "Ready" state. Once the user role assignation is completed, go to the "ACTIONS" menu available. "LOG IN" button becomes available. CloudBlue Commerce APS Role Assigned CloudBlue Commerce APS Panel Login

SSO CloudBlue APS Standard

  1. Go to "Cloud Orchestrator" tab or tile. CloudBlue Commerce APS Dashboard

  2. On the Cloud Orchestrator page, locate "My Cloud Orchestrator" tile and "ACTIONS" menu, then press the "LOG IN" button. CloudBlue Commerce APS Panel Login

Buying CloudBlue Connect subscription

Purchasing travel steps:

  1. Go to Marketplace. CloudBlue commerce dashboard

  2. Select the Cloud Infrastructure category. CloudBlue Commerce marketplace

  3. Select the adequate Service Plan and press the "Next" button. CloudBlue Commerce Marketplace Connect Service Plans

  4. Select the adequate Integration models and Additional resources, then press the "Next" button. CloudBlue Commerce Marketplace Connect Service Model

  5. Confirm purchase order pressing the "Finish" button. CloudBlue Commerce Marketplace Connect Confirm

  6. Wait until the subscription provision stage proceed; then, the "Orchestrator" tab or tile becomes available. CloudBlue Commerce Connect Dashboard

    Customer's initial user is created under Multi-Cloud Orchestrator admin role by default.

  7. Orchestrator subscription is ready. CloudBlue Commerce Connect Panel

SSO CloudBlue Connect

  1. Go to "Orchestrator" tab or tile. CloudBlue Commerce Connect Dashboard

  2. Press the "LOG IN" button. CloudBlue Commerce Connect Panel