How to deploy an Azure ARM template

This how-to explains how to leverage the Azure ARM template feature to deploy IT solutions in a predictable and repeatable way. It will show how to import an Azure ARM template and then how to deploy it using the Azure cloud account of your choice.


Upload the ARM template

The ARM template is going to be uploaded into the orchestrator repository of ARM templates.

  1. Go to APPLICATIONS -> CSEs. Step 1
  2. Press the "Import CSE template" button. Step 2
  3. Provide a name for the template, select Cloud Provider syntax as ARM, select a local file containing a valid ARM template with "Select file".
  4. Press the "Import" button. Step 3

Deploy the ARM template

From the orchestrator repository we will be able to deploy ARM templates using any of the configured Azure cloud accounts.

  1. Go to APPLICATIONS -> CSEs. Step 4
  2. Select the arm template from the list to expand it. Step 5
  3. Press the "New CSE deployment" button. Step 6
  4. Provide all mandatory fields for the selected ARM template, select the Cloud Account & Zone where you want to deploy. Then press the "Deploy CSE" button. Step 7
  5. You will see the new deployment in "Deploying" state.
  6. Wait until deployment is in "Deployed" state. Step 8
  7. If you want to see the deployment details click on the deployment name. Step 9
  8. You can see the arm template deployment parameters as well the generated output, in this case the url of the wordpress site.
  9. Copy and paste the wordpress url in your browser to go to the site. Step 10

Undeploy the ARM deployment

We are going to undeploy all of the Azure resources deployed with the template.

  1. Go to APPLICATIONS -> CSEs. Step 11
  2. Select the arm template from the list to expand it. Step 12
  3. Press the "Actions menu" icon at the right of the deployment row and then press the "Undeploy deployment" button. Step 13
  4. Press the "Undeploy" button in the confirmation popup. Step 14
  5. You will see the deployment in "Undeploying" state.
  6. Wait until deployment disappears. Step 15

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