
We are trying to renew a O365 subscription. Corresponding OA task fails with the following output:

APS Application Error: 
500 Internal Server Error
[ApplicationUnknownError] Provisioning: resource 9d949ade-d13a-4dbf-a12b-591bd6a46813 of type 'tenants' ( for APS application 'Office 365-6.4-63': Use limit is exceeded for Offer id 'BD938F12-058F-4927-BBA3-AE36B1D2501C'.

Body: {
"code": 500,
"message": "Use limit is exceeded for Offer id 'BD938F12-058F-4927-BBA3-AE36B1D2501C'",
"additionalNonlocalizableMessage": "",
"error": "ApplicationUnknownError",
"http_request": "POST /Office365GatewayApplication01/aps/tenants to 'o365aeh.domain.local'"


The order is for "MS Office 365 Business Essential license" recurring. From Microsoft portal you may see that license "Office 365 Business Essentials" is attached but expired.


Contact MS Office 365 support to enabled the expired license.

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