
Provisioning "PACIVirtualEnvironment" for APS application Cloud Infrastructure task fails with the following error:

[ApplicationUnknownError] Provisioning: resource a72789d7-b8cf-4f73-b2b1-f6238a34a6c5 of type 'environments' ( for APS application 'Cloud Infrastructure-1.4-1965': P100001: Operation failed; details: [Failed to create VE].

The following message appears in /var/log/IM/PACI-im.log:

2016-10-15 01:59:06,967 (7e9a01e5-f4b5-47f8-9daf-559a207525e0) DEBUG Pipeline [Shared executor thread #12 @1 @INTERACTIVE] - Running pipeline #16115 [(CREATE_VE for: VeId [customerId=1000001, name=server-1000001-1]; @HN: 47), created at node [im1], step 2 ([CREATE]), mode: EXEC, state:CALLBACK, reqIs: null]

2016-10-15 01:59:06,968 (7e9a01e5-f4b5-47f8-9daf-559a207525e0) WARN  GenericVm2VfTask [Shared executor thread #12 @1 @INTERACTIVE] - VM2VF operation [CREATE] (reqId=27929) finished with rc=-2147270655 (0x800340

Searching for the same operation uuid (7e9a01e5-f4b5-47f8-9daf-559a207525e0) in /var/log/IM/PACI-vm2vf.log, the following error can be found:

# grep 7e9a01e5-f4b5-47f8-9daf-559a207525e0.*ERROR /var/log/IM/PACI-vm2vf.log
2016-10-15 01:59:05,616 (7e9a01e5-f4b5-47f8-9daf-559a207525e0) ERROR NativeVm2VfCode [Thread-851] - [27929:6426] ERR login_finished(1003752.server-1015065-1): failure: PRL_ERR_VM_EXEC_GUEST_TOOL_NOT_AVAILABLE @[create.c][260][login_loop_finished][746])
2016-10-15 01:59:05,617 (7e9a01e5-f4b5-47f8-9daf-559a207525e0) ERROR NativeVm2VfCode [Thread-852] - [27929:6426] ERR login_loop_finished(__create_ve_cb, create.c, 482): failure: PRL_ERR_VM_EXEC_GUEST_TOOL_NOT_AVAILABLE @[common/generic_sdk_cb.c][434][generic_sdk_cb][746])


PRL_ERR_VM_EXEC_GUEST_TOOL_NOT_AVAILABLE error means that Guest Tools are not working inside the newly created Virtual Environment.

The most common reason is the broken state of Guest Tools inside the original VM template.

If the Guest Tools are healthy, another possible reason is too low limits applied on the created VM that do not allow it to boot successfully.


Fix the Guest Tools state inside the VM template ('vm-template' is taken as an example of OS template name):

  1. Convert the template to VM:

    # prlctl set vm-template --template no
  2. Start the VM:

    # prlctl start vm-template
  3. Follow the Guest Tools installation steps. If the tools were already installed, reinstall them.

  4. Check the Tools state, it should be possible to enter the VM from the hardware node:

    # prlctl enter vm-template

    In case of any errors faced after Guest Tools reinstallation, use the available troubleshooting guide to resolve the issues or contact Virtuozzo Technical Support.

  5. Convert the VM back to template:

    # prlctl set vm-template --template yes
  6. Carefully review the VM limits applied from subscription resources and make sure there are no unexpected values (e.g. too low RAM limit).

  7. Re-run the failed task.

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