
Is there a solution to programmatically find out the list of open invoices belonging to particular subscription (to identify the one which needs to be paid) using REST API Interface?


At this moment such functionality is not implemented via specific single API call, however there is a way to get such information using several API calls:

1) You need to obtain Particular Account Token. For tests you can use browser developers tools while navigating in UX1.

There is also a way to generate token using public xml-rpc api call:

2) Then you need to Get all available Account Resources using generated token: GET https://Provider_CP/aps/2/resources/

Find Billing Application ID among the output

"id": "2b166141-ee28-475c-b091-14e1c75ae6ac",
"type": "",

3) Use obtained Application ID to Get the list of unpaid invoices by the following invocation:

GET http://Provider_CP:8080/aps/2/resources/2b166141-ee28-475c-b091-14e1c75ae6ac/bss/account/all-unpaid-documents

It will return an array of Invoice related data like below:

0       {…}
id      48
number  000018
isOrder false
orderType       20
statusId        340
date    2019-01-07T00:00:00.000Z
dueDate 2019-01-17T00:00:00.000Z
time    1546904706
currencyId      USD

After that you can use obtained ID and Number to pay.

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