
  1. Have POA 5.5 integrated with PBA 5.4
  2. Login to customer's CP, go to Home> Account> Admins and try to change password for some admin
  3. See error:

    Parallels Operations Automation error #extype_id #10, module_id #BMBridge, PBA reported error while trying to update account member password. Error: -1, 'ODBC error #57014: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout, Error while executing the query


Bug POA-83718


To workaround the issue please contact Parallels Technical Support.

After w/a is applied the proper way to change password is through PBA, otherwise it will lead to inconsistencies. End user who will use "Forgot password" functionality to reset his password will get it reset only in POA but not in PBA-E. To fix such user, one should change its password again from PBA-E.


Workaround needs to be reverted after bug is fixed.

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