
Is there any API to change CCP version for customer?


API to check CCP version: am.getCustomerCPVersion

XML body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

API to set CCP version for a customer: am.setAccountCCPVersion

XML body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

If you have a lot of end-customers for switching, you can use the attached script

How to use it:
1) Prepare a list with end-customers account_id:

2) Execute the script:

To do so, just run:
#bash /root/9376/



3) The script asks you to provide a list with end-customers account_id:
Please specify a path where a file with customer ID where is located, i.e. '/tmp/list.txt':/tmp/list.txt

4) Then press 1 if you want to switch from UX1 to CCPv1 and 2 - from CCPv1 to UX1:

If you want to switch customers to UX1 please press 2, if CCPv1 - press 1:2

5) After that, the script starts switching end-customer from one ccp to another.
6) When the script finished, you will see an amount of switched end-customers and then it will suggest open the logfile /var/log/switchToUX.log

NOTE Character in the list should be set as UNIX. To check it:

# cat -A <file_with_account_ids>

If you see something like 1000007^M$ convert the file via dos2unix:

#dos2unix <file_with_account_ids>

the file should contain $ at the and of all rows:


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