
Cloud Infrastructure virtual environment console is not opening on the platform. The screen hangs for 5 minutes and returns the error message:

Web Console Initialization failed: Please, contact your system administrator to resolve the issue.

Browser debug console returns the `502 Proxy Error` failed request to imadmin, for example:

Request URL: https://cp.domain.tld/aps/2/resources/4b2e1212-3f34-4674-8691-bbe8e26ed587/im_admin

Request Method: POST
Status Code: 502 Proxy Error
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade


`PACI-aps` service is stuck on the Cloud Infrastructure endpoint node and does not return the proper response to Instance Manager.


Restart `PACI-aps` service:

# systemctl restart PACI-aps