
Sales order for "Azure NCE" subscription fails with the following error:

'400 Bad Request' received from 'POST': Several availabilities are returned. (Product: DZH318Z0BPS6, SKU_ID: 0001) 

The following error could be seen in log file on Azure NCE application endpoint:

2020-07-27 11:03:31,122 DEBUG [$Slf4JLogger] (APS_task:1454943:6979_2275 https-jsse-nio- <PCSDK> The request: 'GET' has been completed: '200'
- headers:
Content-Length: 3326
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: 66ce4555-ce44-412d-93be-a8bdab1de20b
MS-RequestId: 094cebb4-b5e6-40a9-bae4-a2af0f196f5d
X-Locale: en-US
Request-Context: appId=cid-v1:d33fff5c-7cd7-4764-baf9-3e017dcfda4c
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 09:03:30 GMT
2020-07-27 11:03:31,127 ERROR [] (APS_task:1454943:6979_2275 https-jsse-nio- <APS-APP> Error Several availabilities are returned. (Product: DZH318Z0BPS6, SKU_ID: 0001)


Software-related issue #APSA-22699.

Provisioning fails on the CloudBlue Commerce side if a Partner has several segments of Azure NCE offers available (for example, "commercial" and "education").


Upgrade your Azure NCE application to version 1.4 where the issue is fixed and it is possible to specify a target segment for a partner (by default, the "commercial" segment is specified).