
In some cases top frame in CCP and in PCP is not generated, like at the image below:

In UI log we can see that mainFrame and leftFrame are requested for the given bwid, but topFrame is not:

    ****************NEW REQUEST***************
    request scheme: https, data scheme: https
    ****************NEW REQUEST***************
    request scheme: https, data scheme: https

On the branding host in SSL access log file /usr/local/pem/vhosts/<WEBSPACE_ID>/log/ssl_access_log, where is the webspace ID for cp.provider.tld, we can see that 400 (Bad request) HTTP error is returned for the topFrame request: - - [21/Jan/2014:12:49:43 +0400] "GET /servlet/Turbine/renderMode/topFrame/bw_id/08608ba85081da0407dae96f6a5f366d HTTP/1.1" 400 - "https://cp.provider.tld/workspace.html?bw_id=08608ba85081da0407dae96f6a5f366d&cp=prv" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0" cp.provider.tld - - [21/Jan/2014:12:49:43 +0400] "GET /servlet/Turbine/renderMode/leftFrame/bw_id/08608ba85081da0407dae96f6a5f366d HTTP/1.1" 200 26419 "https://cp.provider.tld/workspace.html?bw_id=08608ba85081da0407dae96f6a5f366d&cp=prv" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0" cp.provider.tld - - [21/Jan/2014:12:49:43 +0400] "GET /servlet/Turbine/renderMode/mainFrame/bw_id/08608ba85081da0407dae96f6a5f366d HTTP/1.1" 200 17453 "https://cp.provider.tld/workspace.html?bw_id=08608ba85081da0407dae96f6a5f366d&cp=prv" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0" cp.provider.tld


Currently on every switch from OA to BA webgate creates a pair of cookies:


Those are the session cookies and the standard lifetime for these cookies should be until a user closes the browser, but in certain browsers there are issues because of which such cookies are not destroyed when they should be. For example:

As a result, 400 Bad request can occur when the following scenario is used by a staff member constantly because there are too many cookies in the request:

  1. Login in OA CP.
  2. Switch to BA using the Billing link in the top frame and after that close tab.
  3. Repeat this sequence n times.
  4. Check cookies created for your OA CP domain: you will find n pairs of cookies like: pem_navXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , pem_urlXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, these cookies exist permanently in browser until you delete them manually.


  • Version 5.5: the issue has been fixed in OA 5.5 update 6 in scope of the bug APS-26226.

  • Version 6.0: the issue has been fixed in OA 6.0 upate 6 in scope of the bug APS-28229.

For versions earlier than 5.5.6 and 6.0.6 the workaround is to clean the browser cookies. To fix the issue permanently, please contact Odin technical support.

Internal content

The following workaround could be used in order to fix this issue in the above mentioned versions:

  1. go to Branding UI server, find the file /usr/local/pem/ui/webgate/static/js/common_script.js

  2. make a backup copy of it and apply the following modifications:

    [root@ui js]# pwd && diff common_script.js /root/bkp/common_script.js
    <       //storeCookies();
    >       storeCookies();
    <       //deleteCookie("pem_nav"+top.BW_ID, "", "");
    <       //deleteCookie("pem_url"+top.BW_ID, "", "");
    >       deleteCookie("pem_nav"+top.BW_ID, "", "");
    >       deleteCookie("pem_url"+top.BW_ID, "", "");