
Provider has modified Service Template and added Lync APS2.0 resources to it. After subscriptions were synchronized with the template, new Lync resources were added to them, however clicking Manage in the Lync section of CCP Home page results in the error:

Can't find menu item for view http://LyncHPv2/1#users.view


An unforeseen error occurred. Please contact support@provider.tld.
Error ID: 1407353723911


This issue is caused by the bug POA-87800: when APS2.0 resources are added to existing subscription, auto-provisioning does not happen.


Please contact your Account Manager to trace the status of POA-87800. As a workaround, please use the attached to fix the issue.

How it should be used:

  • Verify that the resource Microsoft Lync Hosting Pack Organization is present in the problem subscription

  • Run the script. Example:

    sh 1000001

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