
I've configured "Trial (Try and Buy) Mode" in my Parallels Web Presence Builder for Plesk or Parallels Web Presence Builder Standalone.

The following notification is shown when I login to Parallels Web Presence Builder through the Trial mode access URL:

The following warning is shown when I click the "Buy Service Plan" button:

    Customer and Business Manager is not installed

Is it possible to change the "Buy Service Plan" URL so it is directed to a custom billing solution?


Find the details about changing the "Buy Service Plan" URL in Offering the Try and Buy with Alternative Billing Solutions.

Some notes to the documentation:

  1. On DEB package-based Linux the files are located in directory /usr/local/sb/resources/locale/en_US.

  2. Remember to remove "@sbHttpHost@" before the custom store URL in the post method.

    • The following is shown in the default configuration file tbbMessagesDefault.lng:

      <form method='post' action='@sbHttpHost@@billingSignUpEntryPoint@?@queryString@' onsubmit=\"if('@billingSignUpEntryPoint@') return true; alert('Parallels Customer and Business Manager is not installed'); return false;\">

    • The same record should be the following in customized configuration file tbbMessagesCustom.lng:

      <form method='post' action='%custom_store_url%?@queryString@' onsubmit=\"if('%custom_store_url%'); return true; alert('Parallels Customer and Business Manager is not installed'); return false;\">

Where %custom_store_url% is http://STORE_HOST.TLD or https://STORE_HOST.TLD.

The changes above will be added to the documentation in the nearest future. Here is request id:

PPPM-402 - Incorrect instructions for configuration of ""Try and Buy Mode Settings with Alternative Billing Solutions"" in the documentation.

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Parallels Web Presence Builder for POA and Standalone

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