
Billing Order is not generated for Azure NCE subscription even if usage file is accepted from CloudBlue Connect.

Services > Usage Reports menu from the CloudBlue Commerce shows status of the Usage File as "Failed" with an error

Default margin configuration not found for service plan XXX-YYY-ZZZ


Margin is not configured for the Azure NCE product under a particular reseller.

The error is described on the official documentation page for Rating Engine PAYG:


Configure Margin according to the official documentation page

CloudBlue Commerce Reseller UX1 Control Panel > Price Manager > find Azure NCE product > click on Price Rated Margin and click Next.

Once Margin is configured for a Reseller, re-upload a usage file from Provider Control Panel > Usage Reports > Upload Report and make sure it's processed.

Billing Order will be generated automatically when the Usage File is processed by CB Commerce and VRD.