
When trying to view any inhouse-products resource in OA PCP, the following error is shown:

An unforeseen error occurred. Please contact noreply@brand.tld.
Message: "class com.plesk.p2.cp.util.common.MenuItemImpl cannot be cast to class com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.rtst.RT (com.plesk.p2.cp.util.common.MenuItemImpl and com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.rtst.RT are in unnamed module of loader 'deployment.pui-war.war' @7739349)".

In the oss-node-0 log the following can be seen:

06-08-2023;09:33:29,557 WARNING [javax.enterprise.resource.corba._DEFAULT_.rpc.encoding] (p: default-threadpool; w: Idle) "IOP00110201: (BAD_PARAM) Null parameter": org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM:  vmcid: SUN  minor code: 201 completed: Maybe


The issue is caused by an internal issue with ID #OA-31898

Fixed in these versions: oss-21.9.127, bss-21.9.116, branding-ui-cluster-21.9.114, inhouse-products-1.6.333  


Please consider upgrading your platform to the latest version.