
Try to import Microsoft co-termed subscription, or with custom expiration date, prompts an error similar to this:

"message": " Start date 1692568800 : 21-08-2023 00:00:00 is not aligned with the expiration date 1708988400 : 27-02-2024 00:00:00.",


It is not possible to import subscriptions where end date is not aligned with start date. This is caused by software related issue with id #OA-35389.


Issue #OA-35389 was fixed in BSS version 21.12.248.

For previous BSS versions subscription can be imported modifying start date as a workaround. It must be aligned with end date according to the plan period. See below example:

MS subscription:
Start date = 21-08-23
End date = 27-02-24

Plan Period = 1 Year

Having previous case we must import subscription with following rule:

endDate - planPeriod = startDate
27/02/24 - 1 year    = 27/02/23